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Empowering families through the NDIS’s assistance with learning services

At New Growth we believe in empowering people no matter what their circumstances are. When you have high or complex care needs, ensuring you are on track with your unique goals, milestones, and overall education becomes more difficult.

There’s support out there for families in this situation – through the NDIS’s learning support assistance and services.

Learning support assistance under the NDIS refers to the tailored help provided to children with disabilities to ensure they can achieve their educational goals. This service includes a variety of strategies and support measures that aim to enable learning, improve skills, and foster independence within an educational setting.

This assistance covers various educational stages, from early childhood through to tertiary education. Services available to you can include personal assistance within the classroom, specialised training for teachers, provision of assistive technology, and therapy support.

Children and young adults with disabilities who are NDIS participants may be eligible for assistance with learning services. Eligibility is determined based on how the child’s disability affects their ability to participate in educational activities. The NDIS ensures support offered is reasonable and necessary, and complements other educational services provided by schools or tertiary institutions.

Learning support assistants can have a transformative impact on your child’s educational experience. With this extra help, your child can gain new skills, increase his or her independence, grow more confident, and experience a more accessible and enjoyable learning journey. You may find this assistance helps your child grow in confidence and become more engaged with their educators, peers, and community.

As a parent or carer of a child with disabilities or learning difficulties, this assistance can prove invaluable. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your child is in good hands, receiving professional support to help them reach their potential. You’ll also be involved in developing your child’s learning support plan, so you can make sure it aligns with your family values and your child’s unique needs.

How we can help

If you choose to engage with a New Growth learning support assistant, we can assure you we will do our utmost to ensure your child has every support in place to reach their full potential. We see learning support assistance as not just being about ensuring academic success; it nurtures your child’s ability to grow, interact, and become a self-reliant individual.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Assistance With Learning help with school subjects?

Yes, it can include subject-specific tutoring and support to help participants better understand and engage with school subjects.

Yes, it’s available for participants of all ages, including adults seeking further education or vocational training.

NDIS typically does not fund educational fees, but it covers support and services needed to participate in education.
