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NDIS Short Term Accommodation

We will stop at nothing to get you the help you need

Helping you, or your loved one, access respite or short-term accommodation through the NDIS

When life’s daily routines become overwhelming, or your regular caregivers need a break, accessing short-term solutions can be invaluable. NDIS short-term accommodation (STA) and respite services are designed to provide you and your caregivers with some temporary relief.

The NDIS’s STA services can be used anywhere across the country – whether you want to stay locally or travel interstate by paying for your own flights, you can choose where you’d like to go. It can be a great chance for you to have new experiences and meet new people.

If you’re considering NDIS short term accommodation or respite, reach out to New Growth. We’ll help you find the most suitable home away from home.

NDIS STA includes various forms of temporary housing that give you a change of scenery and support your independence while offering respite for caregivers. This service includes all the support you usually receive at home, such as assistance with daily life, personal care, and participation in community activities. It can also include meals and activities in some circumstances.

Eligibility for NDIS STA is based on your NDIS plan, designed for those who need a short break from their usual care arrangements. This could be because of your usual caregivers being temporarily unavailable, or as a way for you to experience new surroundings.

The benefits of respite and STA

It’s an opportunity to trial new living arrangements, meet new people, or participate in activities that contribute to your skills and independence. For caregivers it provides essential downtime, helping sustain their ability to provide you support over the long term.

Our team can help you:

Managing your budget to fit in respite or STA can be difficult, but New Growth is here to help. Your support coordinator can help you throughout the process of finding, applying for, and booking suitable STA – and even organise a support worker to accompany you on the trip if you need to travel. Whatever you need, we’re here to make it happen. Reach out to us to start planning your time away.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What services are included in Respite Accommodation?

Services include accommodation, personal care, recreational activities, and support tailored to the participant’s needs.

Stays can vary, typically ranging from a night to a few weeks, depending on individual circumstances and plan allocations.

Activities are tailored to the interests and needs of the participants and can include outings, social activities, and in-house entertainment.

In certain circumstances, emergency respite can be arranged, although it’s best to plan respite stays in advance.
