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Understanding & Accessing NDIS Services

We will stop at nothing to get you the help you need

How you can overcome hurdles accessing support

The NDIS can be incredibly helpful when you know how to navigate it, but accessing it can seem impossible. Getting the support you need can become just another stressor in your life, and working through the bureaucracy is a massive headache when you’re already experiencing difficulties.

We’ve found that, for our clients, the start-to-finish process of getting on the NDIS is both difficult and complex. There are so many questions that arise when trying to start the process – what help am I eligible for? Who do I need to speak to? Where do I need to go? What documentation do I need? How do I fill it out?

If you resonate with any of these difficulties, we’re here to help. New Growth has extensive experience with the NDIS, and if you’re only just dipping your toes into accessing the system, we’ll make sure it’s as easy as possible for you.

We’ve put this information together to give you a digestible overview of what NDIS services are available, what common issues accompany trying to access them, and how we can help you overcome these issues.

NDIS services

The NDIS provides a wide range of services tailored to support people with disabilities in various aspects of their lives. These services aim to foster independence, community participation, and overall well-being. Key service categories include:

Assisting with daily activities, consumables, and support for social participation.

Focusing on improving skills and independence, including therapy support, employment assistance, and building relationships.

Investments such as assistive technologies, equipment, and home or vehicle modifications.

Helping participants understand and utilise their NDIS plan effectively.

Accessing these services begins with an eligibility assessment, plan development, and implementation. You must meet certain age, residency, and disability requirements. Once eligible, you work with NDIS planners or Local Area Coordinators to craft a plan that captures your goals and the support you need.

Common difficulties in accessing the NDIS

Many people encounter hurdles when accessing the NDIS – you’re not alone if you’re currently experiencing any of these issues.

Contacting Support Coordinators

You may find it difficult to reach their support coordinators, often due to high demand and stretched resources.

Extensive case loads for support coordinators can lead to delayed responses and unfulfilled requests – support coordinators are often stretched thin, and don’t have the time to deliver adequate support for all of their cases.

The intricacies of NDIS policies and paperwork can be daunting and confusing for many. Knowing who to speak to, what documents you need, and what next steps are can feel overwhelming – but we’ll be with you every step of the way.

The New Growth difference

New Growth was born out of a desire to make the NDIS work better. We’ve seen all these issues, and more, firsthand – we understand exactly how difficult it can be to access the system. Our approach to support coordination reflects this, and our team provides the utmost in care through:

Manageable caseloads

We ensure our support coordinators are not overcommitted, allowing for attentive and timely support.

Transparency and communication

We are committed to clear, regular communication - so you’re always in the know about your NDIS journey.

Solution-oriented mindsets

Our team is adept at problem-solving. With any issues that might arise for you, we actively seek out solutions.

Accessing the NDIS isn’t so hard when you’ve got a dedicated team behind you who understand the system and take the time to understand you. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of evidence is required for the NDIS application?

Evidence includes reports and assessments from health professionals outlining your disability, how it impacts your daily life, and your current and future support needs.

The time frame can vary based on individual circumstances. After submitting your application, it can take several weeks to several months for the NDIS to review and approve your plan.

If your situation changes significantly, you can request a plan review to ensure your supports remain appropriate for your needs.
